So close.
When I was six years old, I wrote a letter to the Easter Bunny. This was ground-breaking at the time -previously, children had only ever written letters to Santa. I asked the Easter Bunny for a Cadbury Creme Egg, which I had never had before. Well the Easter Bunny wrote back, and delivered a typed letter with my Easter basket. He told me that he had hopped all over town looking for a Cadbury Creme Egg, but couldn't find any.
My disappointment in the lack of a Cadbury Creme Egg was completely displaced by the joy and excitement of receiving a letter from the Easter Bunny. I showed the letter to my father, who was happy for me, but insufficiently impressed. My father, who was sitting at his desk with the computer and printer and stack of dot matrix printing paper... I looked back at my typed and printed letter, and noticed the familiar perforated torn edges.
"Wait a minute," I said, "I think this letter came from your printer. Oh my gosh! The Easter Bunny knows how to use your computer!"
And I continued to believe in the Easter Bunny for several more years, long after it stopped being acceptable for my age.
The North American pygmy rabbit is an accomplished typist, with reports of captive specimens typing in excess of 80WPM. Reports abound of wild rabbits also engaging in complex typesetting behaviors, but scientists still debate the veracity of these claims.
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