Saturday, April 30, 2011

my year goes out with a bang

The past two months have been even busier than the usual end of the academic year.

I gave a cryptography lecture to a class of 100 first year students. I wrote and passed exams and I won my first legal battle. Next month I will be officially graduated from UBC with a degree in computer science. And I just ate a fruit salad twice the size of my head (my head is huge, btw). I feel great.

It's weird that I'm about to graduate with a degree in computer science. I'm hilariously bad at it -at least I assume it's hilarious because people are often laughing at me when I do it. But that's why I'm here. A math degree alone is not very employable, and computers aren't going away. I want (and probably need) to be good with them to get a good job. I have literally picked the thing I am worst at and decided to make a career out of it.

It's exactly this kind of achievement, along with overcoming my fear of public speaking, that threatens to bloat my ego to unattractive levels. I haven't felt this confident since I graduated from grade seven. But these things don't last and my life tends to be follow a sinusoidal pattern, so I'm sure it will come back down to normal and then I'll hit second puberty.


At 5:13 PM, Blogger JJ Roa Rodriguez said...

i think almost everyone is stuck taking what they thought they are bad at. im one of them... but in the long run you'll find out, it is really what u like. or if not, for sure u will end up doing some job away from what u studied in years.

found ur blog while getting some idea on how to do it. im new...


At 5:36 PM, Blogger thea said...

hi JJ

thanks for commenting. Five years ago I would not even have considered this a possible career path for me. Turns out I'm pretty good at it.

I read your bio. That's an interesting collection of careers. Good luck with the blog.



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