Thursday, November 12, 2009

highlights from last week

in point form!

-I noticed that a new liquor store is being built just a few blocks from my house. Last month, shortly after I moved here, they tore down the only liquor store within walking distance of my house. When I saw the newer, closer BCL with the 'Opening Soon' banner across the front window, I was so happy I threw away my flask of Robitussin.

-My brother was in town, for about six hours. Just long enough to get dinner and take in a Mad Caddies concert with Damien.

-I finally saw the Mad Caddies. Daniel and I bought t-shirts and danced up a storm, and even though I didn't "Bone a Caddy" as I had hoped, I was close enough to the stage to almost get hit in the head with a trombone. So I was nearly 'boned by a Caddy.

-my old roommate dropped by and we watched most of the third season of 30 Rock.

-I skipped class the next day to finish watching 30 Rock.

This has been extremely useful in justifying my 33% score on a pipelining quiz. Let's see that again, in slow mo.


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