Sunday, March 24, 2019

goodbye, blog fodder

My brother moved out. He actually stopped living here last summer, and when he texted me to let me know he would be moving out, I hadn't seen him in nearly a month. It was another six months before he started packing up his stuff, an apparently multi-month project which continues to this day.

The whole process is beginning to feel like a miniature reflection of his life in general.


He spent three weekends moving his bed. The first weekend, he partially disassembled it. The second weekend, he reassembled it, took a nap, and then left. The third weekend he finally loaded it into a moving van.

He then drove that moving van into an underground parking garage, misjudged the height clearance, and wedged it under the low ceiling.

While cleaning out his old room, he could not figure out how to empty the vacuum cleaner so he bought a new one.

And throughout the entire timeline of him not living here but still having a key, he has routinely let himself in just to take a dump.

Classic brother.


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