December thoughts
The only difference between me and white trash, is money.
In 1989, my father bought a Nintendo Entertainment System for my brothers. It had two controllers. So I got my very first turn in 1996.
I'm applying for a job, and they want to see my diploma. Nobody has ever asked to see my diploma before. I don't even know where it is! The last time I remember seeing it, was immediately after receiving it, when I was folding a diploma pirate hat -to be clear, I'm not a total moron; I folded a photocopy. But that was the last time I remember seeing it.
So I spent over an hour unearthing old boxes from the storage area under the stairs. Holy crap do I need to get rid of stuff. Anyway, success, I finally see the fancy embossed folder from my university. And my diploma has been partially eaten by silverfish.
I have had the profound displeasure of explaining to a family member that saying, "we're taking our food in a doggy bag" is absolutely not equivalent to saying "we're taking it doggy-style".
me: My brother purposely ruined my favourite calculator when I was a child. I don't think I ever quite got over it.
friend: You had a favourite calculator as a child?
me: You're focusing on the wrong part of the story.
For real though, it was a discontinued Casio.
I told my brother the noose story. When I finished, he didn't seem amused. He said, "Yeah, dad taught me how to tie a noose too. Actually, he taught us all how to tie nooses."
Dammit. Is this a reverse 'Prince of Tides' situation?
You've always been my least favourite. Anyway, here's how to tie a noose.
Then Dan added, "Hey, at least you prompted your own noose lesson. He just barged into my room one day with a piece of rope."
(I still know how to tie a noose; it is unfortunately elegant in it's simplicity.)