Free Fries At The Naam
You have to eat them off the floor, but they are free. And unlike other restaurants with food on the floor, the waiter at The Naam will pick it up and give it to you.
You have to eat them off the floor, but they are free. And unlike other restaurants with food on the floor, the waiter at The Naam will pick it up and give it to you.
A while ago I left a note on the fridge which implied that I've been eating out of the garbage. None of my roommates found this amusing, although to be fair they're all exchange students who are still learning about Canadian culture, so the idea that Canadians regularly eat food out of the garbage was perhaps still plausible.
Yesterday I came up with an idea for cigarette-flavoured breakfast cereal called Lucky Butts. And that wasn't even the best part of the day.
Tim had a dream that we were fighting ninjas together. And Mario (of Super Mario Brothers) was there too.
So I noticed at Safeway that Reynolds (the makers of aluminum foil) have put out a magazine titled "Cooking With Foil". It's surprising that they could come up with enough material to require a staple, let alone fill an entire magazine, but they did it.